Thursday, November 19, 2015
4 PM – 7 PM - Pool Open - ALL Sections
DIVING SHEET DUE: 6:30 PM (To Diving Ref. at Pool)
*Submit only ONE sheet
Friday, November 20, 2015-Swimming Preliminaries (SESSION #1)
Doors will open at 10:15 AM for all spectators!
9:00 AM Swimming Warm-ups
10:15 AM Sectional Coordinators' Meeting
10:15 AM Swimming Officials' Meeting
11:00 AM Parade of Officials
11:05 AM Parade of Seniors
11:15 AM Swimming Preliminaries
(15 min. break in place of Event #5)
Diving Preliminaries & Semifinals & Finals (SESSION #2)
Doors will open at 2:00 PM for all spectators!
9:00 AM - 2:45 PM Diving Warm-ups - All Sections (QUIET on the starts for swimming)
2:15 PM Diving Officials' Meeting
3:00 PM Diving Preliminaries & Semifinals & Finals
(After Diving is complete Friday night, Diving awards will be presented. They will be repeated on Saturday after the 200 Medley Relay.)
Saturday, November 21, 2015 - Swimming/Diving Finals & Consolation Finals (SESSION #3)
Doors will open at 9:15 AM to all spectators!
9:00 AM Swimming warm-up
10:15 AM Finals & Consolation Finals
Individual events: Medals - 1st through 10th place
Ribbons - 11th through 20th place
Federation Awards: 1- 10
Relays: Medals - 1st through 10th place
Good Sport T-Shirt Award: One per Section
Outstanding Swimmer/Diver of the Meet Plaque Presentation
Diving presented Friday and Saturday. Swimming awards will be presented after the 50 free for the 200 Medley Relay, 200 Free, 200 IM and 50 Free; 20 minute Break after award presentation is completed. After the 200 Free Relay for the 100 Fly, 100 Free, 500 Free and 200 Free Relay and the finals wards will be given following the 400 Free Relay for the 100 Back, 100 Breast and the 400 Free Relay. Outstanding Athletes Award.
Scoring (Diving)
20-Place Championship Meet Scoring